Dear PVCA Families, Alumni, and Friends,
It is with great excitement that the Parent Volunteer Organization announces its first annual Handbag Bingo Night, to benefit the senior class missions trip. We would love for you to consider attending the event, which is Friday, November 15, at 6:30PM, and even inviting friends and family to attend as well. Ticket prices are $40 per person or $210 for a table of six.
In order to have this evening be a great success, we need your help. In addition to attending the event, would you consider donating either funds or a new handbag from the list of designers below? You could also donate a gift basket with the theme of your choice, to be raffled after the games.
Last year the seniors traveled to Puerto Rico for their senior trip/missions trip, where they blessed a local church with their service. Many of the seniors returned home changed from the experience, with a renewed excitement about their faith and reaching past their comfort zones to minister to those in need. I am sure that you can imagine the great expense of sending our kids out of the continental United States to experience faith in action; with that said, every cent of profit from this evening will go towards helping to defray the cost of the trip.
We cannot do it without your help. Thus, we ask that you prayerfully consider how you might partner with us for this event, whether in prayer and/or monetarily.
We look forward to seeing you,
Caroline Funchion
Director of Development
Nina Mozdzanowski
Student and Alumni Relations