PVCA Parents,
Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2023 parent survey! Your feedback is important, and we are grateful for what you shared with us. As we continue to grow and improve the student experience at PVCA, we depend heavily on hearing from you about how your children are growing and learning in our school. With this information, we can more successfully implement strategies that help us to fulfill our mission and serve well the needs of our students and families.
The following data is an uncensored look at PVCA from the parent’s perspective. We were pleased to receive responses from 35% of parents, and we look forward to seeing increased participation in the coming years. Overall, the results of the survey were very positive. We are encouraged to see that so many of our students and parents are satisfied with what they are experiencing at PVCA, and we hope to continue building on the good qualities that already exist.
We know that there are opportunities for improvement, and we can’t thank you enough for sharing these with us. You will see some of this visually represented in the charts. We want you to know that we have highlighted these areas of concern and are working on or making plans to address these issues now and into next year.

The presence of God is not only shown and taught during classes but in all aspects of communication with students and families. PVCA aligns with our values, morals, and general way of living. The reinforcement of what we believe. Public school was NOT an option. We want God fully present in all aspects of our lives.
I am so grateful for teachers who love our children and seek their good: academically, socially, and spiritually. As the mom of teenagers, especially, I’m glad the school has an athletic program where students can use their bodies and compete for the glory of God alongside friends and classmates. I’m so thankful that the school exists, frankly. So many in New England do not have the option of a Christian school. I’m grateful for the intentional curriculum that pursues academic excellence under a Christian worldview.
The culture and community, we absolutely love the camaraderie among the school personnel, students, and families. We value the importance the teachers place on being kind to all students and including everyone in activities. The no-nonsense approach to bullying and unflattering words shared is something that we truly think makes the environment of PVCA so warm and welcoming for all attendees. PVCA is an extension of our home and church with the same values being taught all day to our children by like-minded educators that care about their ministries by working to glorify God.

Great teachers with a strong academic environment. Good control of the classroom. This is seriously what I see my child looking forward to. Also the choir and chapels.
My students love the staff. They are honestly excited and happy to come to school every single day. They feel like this is their home away from home. They feel comfortable and safe knowing that the people teaching them look to Christ and the Bible first.
Our two children have been at PVCA for three years now and have loved going to school each day! They enjoy their regular studies and the special classes that are part of their week, such as music, art, gym, tech, Spanish, and chapel! The one-on-one attention that they receive by having smaller classrooms has been a blessing in their growth and learning. Their confidence is being built by the teachers uplifting their individual personalities and teaching each child on their level. It’s reassuring to hear our children share so positively about their school day each night and the excitement that they have to return the following day to see their friends and teachers.