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Cell phones have become a way of life, a technological convenience that has influenced our lives in one way or another. Cell phones can be detrimental to the educational process if not monitored properly. In addition to students being distracted by sending and receiving data (text messages, photos, etc.), cell phones and other electronic devices can be used to gain unauthorized assistance in testing or other school assignments. Similarly, when using a cell phone, students can also potentially access web sites that are normally blocked on our school computer network. Thus, to maintain an optimal learning environment, PVCA has adopted the following cell phone policy:

Elementary students are not permitted to have cell phones or smart watches on school property. If found, the item will be confiscated, and the parent or guardian will need to pick it up from the Lower School Principal.

1. Students are required to “power down” their cell phones prior to the Block 1 bell.
2. Students must keep cellphones, smart watches, iPods, and headphones in their lockers during school hours. They are permitted to use tablets or laptops in classrooms only with teachers’ permission as it relates to the lesson. Tablets and laptops may not be used during the lunch block (in cafeteria or courtyard), hallways, or any other location other than the classroom with teachers’ discretion.

1. All students are required to “power down” their cell phones prior to the Block 1 bell.
2. Students must keep cellphones, smart watches, iPods, and headphones in their lockers during school hours. They are permitted to use tablets or laptops in classrooms only with teachers’ permission as it relates to the lesson. Tablets and laptops may not be used during the lunch block (in cafeteria or courtyard), hallways, or any other location other than the classroom with teachers’ discretion.
3. Seniors with “senior privileges” will be permitted to use their cell phones, during lunch only, while in the senior lounge or courtyard.
4. A student who has a cell phone, smart watch, or earbuds during any assessment will receive a zero.
5. In the case of an emergency situation, students are to report to the academic office for permission from an administrator before using a cell phone.


1. If a cell phone is seen it will be confiscated and brought to the school office.
• First Offense – the student will be permitted to retrieve the phone at the end of the school day.
• Second Offense – the student’s parent/guardian will be required to pick up the phone from
the school office.
• Third Offense – the student and his/her parent/guardian will be required to schedule a meeting with the Upper School Principal to retrieve the cell phone. The student will not be allowed to return to school until the meeting takes place.
2. No video or audio recording is permitted, especially without the consent of the individuals. The phone will be confiscated and held until a parent conference with the Upper School Principal occurs and further discipline is determined.
3. If a student is found with a cell phone, smart watch, or ear bud during exams or quizzes, it will result in a zero for that assessment.
4. The misuse of cell phones (cheating, harassment, etc.) will result in disciplinary action, which may include confiscation, grade penalty, suspension, and/or police notification.
5. Students must keep their phones in their lockers and not in unattended bags or purses since the school will not be held responsible for missing or stolen cell phones.
6. Parents should not contact their students via cell phones during the school day. They must call the school office to convey a message to the student or request that he/she call them.



The phrase “From bell to bell” means students in grades six through grade eleven MUST have their cell phones, smart watches, and ear buds TURNED OFF and STORED IN THEIR LOCKERS from the moment they enter the school building until the last dismissal bell at the end of the school day.

*Seniors with “Senior Privileges” will be permitted to use their cell phones, during lunch, while in the Senior Lounge. Upon exiting the Senior Lounge, they will be expected to turn them off and place them in their lockers once more.


Parents should not contact their child via cell phones during the school day but instead call the school office to convey a message to the student or request that he/she call them.
During the school year, the main office is open Monday through Friday, 7:30 AM-4:00 PM.