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What is Creation Science?

What is Creation Science?atPioneer Valley Christian Academy in the Townsend LibraryTuesday, March 116:30PM-7:30PM(Q&A 7:30PM-8:00PM)     What does it mean to be a part of creation science? Too often, creationism is assumed to be an...

Church Chat at Parent & Principal Coffee Hour

Parent & Principal Coffee Hour: “Church Chat”  On the first Friday of each month, at 8 AM, the PVCA administration hosts a Parent & Principal Coffee Hour, which provides a great opportunity for parents to connect with administration and staff, other parents,...

PVCA Parent & Principal Coffee Hour

An ALL-SCHOOL Parent & Principal Coffee Hour will be held onFriday, November 1, from 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM. This month’s topic is “Anxiety in Adolescences”. Dr. Keegan will be presenting based on the findings of Jonathan Haidt’s #1 New York...