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SAT (Optional Grade 11)

Pioneer Valley Christian Academy 965 Plumtree Road, Springfield, MA, United States

Students in grade 11 are eligible to take the SATS on Thursday, April 10. Students that have signed up, will take the exam during periods 1-4. After the exam, students are expected to resume classes. Questions? Contact guidance counselor, Mrs. Meredith O'Hara at mohara@pvcama.org.


MAP Testing (Grades 6-8)

Pioneer Valley Christian Academy 965 Plumtree Road, Springfield, MA, United States

During the mornings of April 29, May 1, and May 5, students in Grades 6-8 will be completing MAP testing. MAP, or the Measure of Academic Progress, is a computerized adaptive test which helps teachers, parents, and administrators improve learning for all students. Please do everything you can to be sure your child is on time […]

Prom/Grade 9-12 Early Dismissal

The Carriage House at Storrowton Tavern 1305 Memorial Avenue, West Springfield, MA

The High School Prom will be on Friday, May 2. On the day of the prom, students in grades 9-12 will have an early dismissal at 11:30 AM. Please review the below documents for detailed information. Prom Letter Prom Guest Form Prom Dance Student Agreement Prom Dress Checklist

Early Dismissal

On Friday, May 9, students will have an early dismissal day for the PVCA 34th Annual Plant Sale. All Students will be dismissed at 11:30 AM.

Service Books Due (Grade 12)

Pioneer Valley Christian Academy 965 Plumtree Road, Springfield, MA, United States

Students in Grade 12 must record their hours and turn in their service hour books to Meredith O'Hara, Guidance Counselor.

2nd Semester Exams (Grade 12)

Pioneer Valley Christian Academy 965 Plumtree Road, Springfield, MA, United States

Students in grade 12 will take their second semester exams May 19 - 21.

Upper School Spring Concert

Pioneer Valley Christian Academy 965 Plumtree Road, Springfield, MA, United States

The upper school spring performance will take place on Friday, May 23, at 7:00 pm. The event is free and open to the public.

Service Books Due (Grades 9-11)

Students in Grades 9-11 are required to complete a certain amount of service hours per semester. At the end of each semester, students must record their hours and turn in their service hour books to Meredith O'Hara, Guidance Counselor.

Graduation Rehearsal – Grade 12 Seniors

Pioneer Valley Christian Academy 965 Plumtree Road, Springfield, MA, United States

All Grade 12 students are required to attend graduation rehearsal on Friday, May 30, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM. Following the senior breakfast and parade, the seniors will go to the gymnasium to rehearse for commencement.

High School Commencement

Pioneer Valley Christian Academy 965 Plumtree Road, Springfield, MA, United States

The Pioneer Valley Christian Academy Class of 2025 commencement ceremony will be held on Friday, May 30, 2025 from 7:00-8:30 PM. All are welcome to attend.

2nd Semester Exams (Grades 9-11)

Pioneer Valley Christian Academy 965 Plumtree Road, Springfield, MA, United States

Students in Grades 9-11 will take their second semester exams this week.