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Dear Parents:


I am often asked, “Why should I send my child to PVCA? What makes PVCA different from other schools?”


PVCA is a distinctive community of administrators, teachers, and families working together to provide academic excellence that is integrated with Biblical truth.  Our mission is to educate each student as a whole person: body, mind, soul, and spirit.  We desire that the students recognize that God has a purpose and plan for their lives.  Our prayer is that the students will grow in the Lord, build lasting relationships, and remember that our God is greater than any of our present circumstances.  As we start the year, please keep in mind that there are still many unknowns and protocols that change daily, but if we work together it will be a successful year.  I trust that the following information clarifies some questions you might have for the upcoming school year.


Monday, August 30



Start time – 7:45 AM

Dismissal – 2:40 PM

Dismissal for Preschool through Grade 1students – 2:25 PM

Doors will remain locked until 7:20 AM



This year we will be utilizing the front door, the east side door, and the new gymnasium door for drop off and pick up.  The west side entrance will not be utilized as PVCA will no longer be using the Evangelical Covenant Church parking lot.  Please familiarize yourselves with the appropriate door for your child(ren) to enter during those times.  The attached parking lot diagram will provide you with the flow of traffic and parking areas.


Refer to the attached parking lot diagram for details.


  • PRESCHOOL through GRADE 1 students will use the entrance under the awning by the cafeteria. One parent will be permitted to escort his/her student to the classroom.
  • GRADES 2-5 will enter through the new gymnasium doors.
  • MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL students will also use the entrance under the awning by the cafeteria, go through the lobby outside of the old gymnasium, and go to their perspective hallways. 
  • BUS STUDENTS will enter through the front entrance.



Any student arriving after 7:45 AM must enter through the front entrance and sign in.



Buses will begin on Monday, August 30.



Students will be required to bring a lunch from home.



PVCA provides school supplies that are required for each grade level.


Microwaves will not be available to students due to social distancing restrictions and time constraints due to sanitizing between each use.


Students should bring their own water bottle.



  • Mask wearing is optional for students, faculty, staff, or visiting parents.
  • If at any time the state mandates the wearing of masks for private schools, we will have no choice but to comply in order to remain open.
  • Please be aware that there are two teachers in the high school with personal circumstances that may require mask wearing in their classes. Students in those classes will be notified in advance so they can come prepared with a mask.
  • Parents who desire his/her student to wear a mask will be required to daily provide one and it is recommended that an extra mask be provided for emergency use.
  • Per federal mandates, all bus riders are required to wear face masks while on the bus. This includes athletes riding the PVCA school buses for sporting events.



The school calendar is attached and it is on the school website; however, it is subject to change due to the challenges of COVID-19.
PVCA 2021-22 Abbreviated Calendar



After-School Care is available to students in preschool through grade 5.  A form must be completed and submitted before a student may be accommodated for this service. Students in grades 6-12 must make prior arrangements with the Principal if there is a specific reason for staying after school.  No student will be allowed to remain at school unattended after dismissal.



  • Hand sanitizing will be encouraged with stations available at the entrances and exits of the building and each classroom.
  • High-touch surfaces such as desk tops, door handles, and chair arms will be cleaned and sanitized frequently.
  • Preschool – Grade 1, Grade 2 – Grade 5, Middle School, and High School cohorts will have designated entrances and hallways to minimize mixing.
  • Access to fresh air will be maximized with consistent ventilation, opening windows, and frequent use of outdoor classrooms.
  • A minimum spacing of 3 feet and uniform front facing classrooms will be promoted to mitigate close contacts.
  • All students and staff exhibiting symptoms of sickness will be sent home.
  • Per federal mandates, all bus riders are required to wear masks. This includes athletes riding the PVCA school buses to sporting events.
  • Additional information regarding protocol for students who test positive for COVID-19 and students who are in close contact with the COVID positive students will be forth coming.
  • Outside visitors will be kept to a minimum. The front office lobby is the only building access for parents and outside vendors.