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Parent & Principal Coffee Hour

Pioneer Valley Christian Academy 965 Plumtree Road, Springfield, MA, United States

Artificial Intelligence (AI), like it or not, is transforming the way we learn, work, and interact with technology and each other. Our April 4th morning coffee hour will explore what AI is, the different types of real-world examples, and how it actually works. Learn about AI’s growing role in education, helping both students and teachers, […]

Grade 6 Orientation

Pioneer Valley Christian Academy 965 Plumtree Road, Springfield, MA, United States

Parents of students in grade 5 are invited to attend the Grade 6 Orientation. Parents will have an opportunity to meet with the middle school faculty on Monday, April 7 at 6:30PM in the Multi-purpose Room. There will be light refreshments and a short presentation with time provided for parents to ask questions.

Teacher Appreciation Week

Pioneer Valley Christian Academy 965 Plumtree Road, Springfield, MA, United States

Teacher Appreciation Week is run by the PVCA Volunteer Organization. The PVO encourages students, parents, and the PVCA community to show their gratitude and support for teachers and staff for the hard work and dedication they put into our students. To learn more about this week-long event, please contact Nina Mozdzanowski, nmoz@pvcama.org. Or, if you […]

Prom/Grade 9-12 Early Dismissal

The Carriage House at Storrowton Tavern 1305 Memorial Avenue, West Springfield, MA

The High School Prom will be on Friday, May 2. On the day of the prom, students in grades 9-12 will have an early dismissal at 11:30 AM. Please review the below documents for detailed information. Prom Letter Prom Guest Form Prom Dance Student Agreement Prom Dress Checklist