Dear Parents,
I am reminded daily of the privilege it is to serve Christian families here at PVCA. Part of that service includes providing a caring and safe environment for our students. Therefore, I would like to address a few safety protocols regarding drop-off and pick-up.
During morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up,
it is important that you and your child use the crosswalks and not cross between cars.
Staff is assigned to the crosswalk areas to direct traffic, assist students, and maintain safety.
Please wait for a staff member to signal when it is safe to cross and stay visible to the person on duty.
Students who are dismissed for carpool must remain at the pick-up entrance until a parent pulls up to the entrance. Students will be dismissed as the cars pull up to the building.
To remain safe and promote traffic flow, no student should be walking down the carpool line to enter a car that is beyond the safety cones.
If you are waiting with younger children at the end of the day for an older student to be dismissed, please, for the safety of all of our students,
do not allow younger children to run around, play near the curb, or climb on the rocks.
At PVCA, the teachers and staff assure that your child’s safety is a priority. We appreciate partnering with you in Christian education.
In Him,
Edward Campolongo and Malissa Feragne
PVCA Principals