Lower School MAP Testing
January 22 – February 2

Grades 6-8 MAP Testing
January 29 – February 1

Valentine Flower-Grams
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ASVAB Testing
Friday, February 2

PVCA Parents,
Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2023 parent survey! Your feedback is important, and we are grateful for what you shared with us. As we continue to grow and improve the student experience at PVCA, we depend heavily on hearing from you about how your children are growing and learning in our school. With this information, we can more successfully implement strategies that help us to fulfill our mission and serve well the needs of our students and families.
The following data is an uncensored look at PVCA from the parent’s perspective. We were pleased to receive responses from 35% of parents, and we look forward to seeing increased participation in the coming years. Overall, the results of the survey were very positive. We are encouraged to see that so many of our students and parents are satisfied with what they are experiencing at PVCA, and we hope to continue building on the good qualities that already exist.
We know that there are opportunities for improvement, and we can’t thank you enough for sharing these with us. You will see some of this visually represented in the charts. We want you to know that we have highlighted these areas of concern and are working on or making plans to address these issues now and into next year.
Thank you,
Dr. Joshua Keegan
Head of School
Pioneer Valley Christian Academy