On Friday, October 11, PVCA will host Grandparents’ Day. If your child does not have a grandparent, they are permitted to have a special friend attend. Parents are not permitted to attend due to a lack of space/seating. However, parent volunteers are needed to help run the event.
What Parents Need To Know About Grandparents’ Day Chapel
- Grandparents’ Day Chapel is Friday, October 11, 9:30-11:30AM
- Invitations will not be mailed out to grandparents. Please check your student’s backpack for a printed invitation on Thursday, September 26, or use the digital invites below.
- Register attending grandparents. See below.
- Questions? Contact Caroline Funchion at cfunchion@pvcama.org
Grandparent’s Day is Friday, October 11th. Grandparents of lower school (PK-Grade 5) students should arrive by 9:30AM to enjoy coffee and refreshments. The program will run from 10:00-11:15AM. There will be an all school early dismissal that day to allow for attending grandparents to spend the remainder of the day with their grandchildren. In an effort to streamline our pick-up time that day, please fill out the form in the link below no later than Wednesday, October 9

Grandparents of UPPER SCHOOL STUDENTS ONLY – GRADES 6-12, have the option of arriving at 9:00AM to attend a homeroom visit where they will sit with their grandchildren and play a game of trivia.**
**We understand that all grandparents would love to visit their grandchild’s classroom, but unfortunately, this isn’t possible at this time due to limited space in the lower school classrooms. Since most upper school students do not participate in the Grandparents’ Day Chapel, we have arranged homeroom visits instead. This way, grandparents of upper school students can still enjoy some special time with their grandchild.