1. Students are to report directly to the room where their first exam will be administered.
2. Students are required to be present during scheduled exam times. An exam missed due to severe illness must be rescheduled with
the teacher. An unexcused absence will result in a “0” on the exam(s).
3. If there is a snow day during the scheduled exam days, the exams will shift forward to the following day.
4. Students will be required to remain in the classroom until the end of the exam period. They should come prepared with a book or
other study materials should they finish the exam early.
5. Students may leave the building after completing their daily exams.
6. Students exiting the building must sign out at the Academic Office.
7. Students may not remain unattended in the building. Those who remain in school after the scheduled exam times must report to a study hall. They will not be allowed to wait in the hallways for a ride.
8. Students are allowed to dress down
7:45-9:30 AM | Study Hall – Mr. Porter | Room 118 |
7:45-11:00 AM | AP English Language – Mrs. Witherow | Room 109 |
AP English Literature – Mrs. Witherow | Room 109 | |
9:30-11:00 AM | Literature and Composition – Mrs. Mozdzanowski | Multi-purpose Room |
American Literature – Mrs. Mozdzanowski | Multi-purpose Room | |
World Literature – Mrs. Mozdzanowski | Multi-purpose Room | |
Great Works – Mr. Annis | Room 118 | |
11:02-11:43 AM | Lunch | Cafeteria |
11:46 AM – 12:58 PM | Study Hall | |
Grade 10 – Mrs. Souza | Room 109 | |
Grade 9 & Grade 11 – Mrs. O’Hara | Multi-purpose Room | |
Gym if available – Mr. Knox | Gymnasium | |
1:00-2:40 PM | Biology & Honors Biology – Mrs. Kasulinous | Multi-purpose Room |
Chemistry & Honors Chemistry – Mr. Malloy | Room 106 | |
Anatomy & Physics – Mrs. Snider | Room 104 |
7:45-9:30 AM | Study Hall – Mr. Malloy | Room 106 |
7:45-11:00 AM | AP Calculous – Mrs. Snider | Room 104 |
AP Pre-Calculous – Mrs. Snider | Room 104 | |
9:30-11:00 AM | Algebra I – Mrs. Souza & Mrs. Kasulinous | Multi-purpose Room |
Algebra II – Mrs. Souza & Mrs. Kasulinous | Multi-purpose Room | |
Statistics – Mrs. Souza & Mrs. Kasulinous | Multi-purpose Room | |
Geometry – Mrs. Souza & Mrs. Kasulinous | Multi-purpose Room | |
Honors Algebra I – Mrs. Witherow & Mrs. Snider | Room 106 | |
Honors Algebra II – Mrs. Witherow & Mrs. Snider | Room 106 | |
11:02-11:43 AM | Lunch | Cafeteria |
11:46 AM – 12:58 PM | Study Hall | |
Grade 10 – Mr. Malloy | Room 109 | |
Grade 9 & Grade 11 – Mr. Annis | Multi-purpose Room | |
Gym if available – Mr. Knox | Gymnasium | |
1:00-2:40 PM | Spanish 1, 2, 3, and 4 – Mrs. Mozdzanowski | Multi-purpose Room |
French 1 and 2 – Mrs. Sperry | Room 109 |
7:45-9:30 AM | Study Hall – Mr. Porter | Room 118 |
7:45-11:00 AM | AP U.S. History – Mr. Annis | Room 136 |
9:30-11:00 AM | U.S. History I – Mr. Campolongo | Room 109 |
World History II – Mrs. Witherow | Multi-purpose Room | |
U.S. History II – Mrs. Witherow | Multi-purpose Room | |
Issues in Contemporary Culture – Dr. Keegan | Room 118 | |
11:02-11:43 AM | Lunch | Cafeteria |
11:46 AM – 12:58 PM | Study Hall | |
Grade 10 – Mrs. Kasulinous | Room 109 | |
Grade 9 & Grade 11 – Mrs. Mozdzanowski | Multi-purpose Room | |
Gym if available – Mr. Knox | Gymnasium | |
1:00-2:40 PM | New Testament Survey II – Mrs. Mozdzanowski | Room 109 |
Bible Doctrine – Mr. Malloy | Multi-purpose Room | |
Church History – Mrs. Witherow | Room 106 |
There will be no school for students who have finished their exams.
7:45-9:30 AM | AP Computer Science – Mr. Paul Emerson | Room 102 |
7:45-11:00 AM | Students with a second science or math course can take their additional exam at this time. | |
8:00-9:30 AM | Grade 8 Science | |
9:45-11:15 AM | Grade 8 History | *students in grade 8 are dismissed for the remainder of the school day. Wednesday, December 20, will be a standard scheduled day for students in grade 8. |
11:02-11:43 AM | Lunch | Cafeteria |
There will be no school for students in grades 9-12 who have finished their exams.
7:45-11:00 AM | Reserved for students who must come for make-up exams. |