The PVCA Freshman Class is hosting a Krispy Kreme Doughnut Fundraiser
$12.00 per dozen
All orders and payment must be received by Monday, March 20.
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Pick-up Date
Thursday, March 30, 8:00am-3:00pm

A Letter From the Head of School, Timothy Duff
Dear Parents,
When I reflect on my 45 years of serving at Pioneer Valley Christian Academy, I am continually reminded that every student is a masterpiece created by God. In Psalm 139:14, David praises God for how amazing He created him. PVCA has the privilege to teach from a Biblical perspective recognizing that each student is uniquely created by God. Our loving, dedicated, and qualified teachers help students realize this by helping them develop their God-given gifts.
Christian Education – an Expense or an Investment?
Christian education can be viewed as an expense, which is often a necessity yielding short-term benefits, or, it can be viewed as an investment, which is a choice, yielding long-term benefits. Our children are our greatest gifts from God – our greatest treasure. We have only one opportunity to rear our children; there are no second chances. Christian education focuses on an eternal investment, not just academics, thus making it a worthwhile investment.
You, along with each of us, share in this investment. We are partnering in this God-given responsibility to nurture children in the Lord. Proverbs 22:6 reminds us to “train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” While this is not a guarantee that our children will follow the Lord, it is a principle of scripture.
The Board of Directors strives to be sensitive to the cost of tuition while continuing to maintain and advance the program of the Academy. They have made modest increases in the 2023-2024 tuition in order to provide quality education, meet the increasing costs of operating the Academy, improve the salaries of our faculty and staff. Much like other worthwhile investments, it may be a financial step of faith, but we encourage you to consider the eternal value. Our Variable Tuition Program is designed to help make Christian education accessible for all families. If you need assistance, please log into www.factsmgt.com and click on your Facts Payment Plan/Financial Aid Account, complete the Financial Assistance Application, and submit it by April 30.
The faculty and I consider it a privilege to teach your children. We look forward to continuing to partner with you in their education. May God bless you as you consider Christian education as an investment in the lives of your children.
Investing in Christian Education,
Timothy Duff
Download Letter ( Perpetual Enrollment Letter for 2023-24 )
With perpetual enrollment, students are automatically re-enrolled for the upcoming school year. However, it is crucial that you inform us of your intentions so plans can be made to hire additional staff and manage new student wait lists.
Scroll down to view 2023-24 Tuition Rates
If your student is not planning to return to PVCA next year, you must notify the school in writing or by emailing our Business Manager, Jeffrey Lansner, at jlansner@pvcama.org on or before March 31 to avoid early withdrawal penalties.

Click on the video below to learn more about PVCA’s tuition reduction program. Spend money on everyday necessities and GAIN back a percentage to pay back YOUR tuition. Want more information? Contact PVCA Business Manager, Jeffrey Lansner at jlansner@pvcama.org.
2023-2024 Tuition Rates and Fees
FACTS Tuition Management payment plans will be finalized by the PVCA Business Office by March 31, 2023. If financial assistance is a consideration, a Variable Tuition application must be submitted by April 30, 2023. All tuition payment plan withdrawals will commence in July 2023 at the full-tuition published rate, unless a Variable Tuition rate is awarded.
A 10% Security Deposit is required for preschool students advancing to Kindergarten.
Written notification of a student(s) not returning for the 2023-24 school year must be submitted to the Business Office by March 31, 2023 in order for any security deposit to be fully refunded.
Questions or changes regarding financial matters should be directed to the Business Office.
FEES (non-refundable) | |
New Applicant – First Student | $110 |
Each Additional Student | $25 |
FACTS Financial Aid Application | $40 |
Extended Care (preschool-grade 5) | $7.00/hr/student |
Returned Check/EFT | $30 |
Preschool (May qualify for childcare tax credit) | Part Day | Full Day |
7:45 AM – 12:15 PM | 7:45 AM – 2:30 PM | |
2 day | $2,980 | $3,650 |
3 day | $4,250 | $5,300 |
5 day | $7,000 | $8,650 |
Annual | |
Kindergarten (May qualify for childcare tax credit) | $11,695 |
Grades 1-5 | $12,800 |
Grades 6-8 | $14,725 |
Grades 9-12 | $15,760 |
Educational Therapy | $4,575 |
TEACH | $3,150 |
Structured Study/MS and HS | $2,200 |
Rx for Math/Reading/Writing | $2,450 |
A security deposit of 10% of the published tuition rate is required of newly enrolled students in grades K-12, students newly enrolled in Student Support Services, and preschool students advancing to Kindergarten.
Hot lunch is available for purchase.
Download new tuition rates: Tuition and Fees – 2023-24